Dividend Yield.....

High to Low Gross Dividend Yield

This table shows all of the companies listed on the NZX in order of high to low Gross Dividend Yield. This is defined as the previous years dividends divided by the current share price. As an example.... company XYZ had two dividends last year of $0.05 and $0.10 making a total of $0.15. Current share price is $2.15. This makes the Gross Dividend Yield % 0.15 ÷ 2.15 x 100=6.976 or 6.98% (rounding to 2 decimal places). Be aware that the Gross Dividend Yield can be slightly misleading in that they are comparing last years dividends to the current share price. This means that if you own shares at a lower price your dividend yield will actually be higher and the reverse for higher price....assuming of course that the dividend remains constant.

IMPORTANT There are aspects here that should be remembered at all times.. the figures that create the dividend yield are constantly changing. Firstly the share price will go up and down and secondly the declared dividends will/may fluctuate from year to year. Both of these aspects are beyond control. However, by examining the dividend history over the years from a “reliability” point of view we can make an educated guess as to its future. This information can be viewed by linking on the Details link in the “Dividend History” column. The share price history can be viewed by way of the NZX site, Direct Broking or various other sites. At the risk of stating the obvious, the future share price is also in the “educated guess” category. By combining these factors with some research into the background and current situation of the company we can hopefully increase our chances of success.

Company Name
(Click on name to
go to their website)
Share Symbol Dividend
Type of Business Dividend History Dividends
per share
last year
in NZD

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